We want our children to look smart when at school and feel proud to wear their uniform.
Our uniform policy is outlined below. We expect all our children to wear a school jumper or cardigan carrying our new logo and these must be purchased via School. Existing parents can use their Parentpay account to order uniform at any time during the term. All other items can be purchased from any High Street store or supermarket. We also offer optional High Ash book-bags, PE bags and baseball caps which can be ordered via Parentpay. New starters will be given an order form by the School Office so they can order uniform ahead of their start date.
We also have lots of pre-loved uniform available via HASA, our school PTA. Please email HASA with your requirements and they can check availability for you highashschoolassociation@gmail.com
Main Uniform
- Grey skirt or pinafore dress. Skirt should be knee-length
- Grey trousers or shorts
- White or pale blue polo-shirt or shirt
- Navy blue jumper or cardigan with school logo (this is the only part of uniform requiring a logo)
- White knee-length or ankle socks for girls, grey tights in winter
- Grey or black socks for boys
- Black shoes or black boots in winter
- Navy blue checked summer dress
- White plain t-shirt
- Blue shorts or skort (no branding)
- Plain navy blue sweatshirt and tracksuit bottoms/leggings (no zips, hoodies or branding)
- Trainers
- Football boots (optional) – as plain as possible
The school will provide a separate PE kit for pupils when participating in sports festivals
Hair, Jewellery and accessories
- No jewellery allowed except for a watch and only small, plain studs if children have pierced ears. These need to be covered with tape during PE.
- Watches – to be analogue or digital. No smart watches. Fitbits are allowed.
- Hair accessories are to be kept to a discreet minimum and in navy blue - neither large bows nor headbands with decorative pieces are allowed.
- Dyed hair or shaved tramlines are not allowed.
- Nail varnish should not be worn in school.
Other items
- Children need a coat for school, school bag, wellies for Foundation and in the summer need a sun hat – all to be provided from home and named.