Mrs Kate Goodger is the Deputy Headteacher and SENDCO for our school. Mrs Kim Ward assists with SEND paperwork and administration.
We have a good track record of supporting SEND children at our school, and we base this success on having high expectations, on being fully inclusive, offering bespoke support, early intervention and accessing timely support from external agencies.
Our SEND children make good progress from their starting points, and we regularly listen to their views through pupil voice and looking at their learning.
We ensure that all our SEND children access all subjects and receive their additional support in class with adaptions made, so they can access the full curriculum. Out of class interventions are minimised and only provided for specific programmes that are specialist in their remit.
We always ensure that we monitor SEND provision and assess the impact of provision every half-term.
Each child on the SEND register has a support plan with specific targets for their needs. These are reviewed termly with parents.
Our latest SEND Policy is attached below.