Pupil Premium/Catch up Premium
We are ambitious for all of our children and are proud of our success in supporting children eligible for pupil premium funding. Our data shows us that whole school initiatives that support high quality first teaching as well as personalised pastoral support have had the biggest impact on outcomes and this underpins our current PPM Strategy.
Based on our previous impact to date and needs of our children, our PPM strategy for the academic years (2022-2024) has these key themes:
1. To prioritise reading and language development so that PPM children and those needing reading catch up support are given the best chance to access the curriculum and express themselves in line with their peers-
2. To ensure their well-being is catered for, so they are confident, independent learners and feel supported to achieve and can report that they have self-belief and improved self-esteem-
3. To ensure they have the necessary information, experiences and cultural capital to access the curriculum and succeed in line with their peers with equal opportunity and access to the wider curriculum-
4. To ensure they are able to attend school fully and have equity in accessing remote learning if required-
We have based this strategy on looking at data, what has worked well, evidence based research, through talking to our pupil premium children and in completing diagnostic learning walks. We are also going to be adding more focus to ensuring our PPM children continue to participate in wider opportunities such as music, sports festivals and clubs. We will continue to work with PPM families to ensure regular attendance at school and build on the success of this form this academic year. Above all else, our main investment will remain in quality first teaching as research evidence shows this has the best impact on PPM outcomes. We will continue to ensure that all monitoring activities involve PPM children, so we ensure they are attaining well and making good progress from their starting points.