In order to maximise pupil progress in English, Maths and Phonics, we carry out Pupil Progress meetings every half term. We also involve pupils in our assessment and regularly discuss learning with our pupils to assess the impact of our curriculum and the quality of education they are receiving.
As well as this we complete regular learning walks. book looks and pupil voice to assess progress in qualitive as well as quantitive terms.
The children's progress is tracked both in year and also from their Key Stage starting points so that we can identify easily children who may need extra support and/or challenge.
Parents are informed about their child's attainment and progress termly (via a School Report Card) and also through Parents' Evenings and Workshops. In July, all parents receive their child's annual report.
Our assessments are based on the national curriculum, broken down into termly targets for each year group based on Cornerstones Assessment grids.
We use national assessments and also NFER/GL assessments when appropriate.
Please see the attached parents' guide for assessment in our school and to help you understand what good progress looks like at High Ash.
If you have any questions or queries about your child's progress, then please just come in and arrange a meeting with us.